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韓国の諺(ことわざ) "Korean proverb"!!!


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日本・中国・英国・韓国ことわざ集 → Collection of Japan,China,U.K.,Korean proverbs



[韓国のことわざ]韓国のことわざ → [Korean proverb] aKorean proverb

出典として、『「対訳韓国ことわざ選」若松実編著(1975)』と書かれてるので探すのは楽。でも代わりに孔泰(1987)『韓国の故事ことわざ辞典』を発見。 → But,as for looking for it because it is written as "side-by-side translation Korea proverb choice" "Minoru Wakamatsu compilation (1975)" asthesource,孔泰 (1987) discovers"ahistorical fact proverb dictionary of Korea" comfort instead.

この本に載ってた、日本語での類語とされる表現とか紹介します。 → Iintroduce me with expression to be considered to beasynonym in Japanese which appeared in this book.

「女は三日殴らないと狐になる。」 →「女は三日ほど打たねば狐となる」藁沓の面とかかあの面はたたくほどよくなる餅と女の子はひどう当たれ → Rice cake becoming moderate and child はひどう ofthewoman to swat hittheaspect ofthestraw boots that "it is withafox as forthe."→" woman who becomesthefox whenthewoman does not hit you on 3rd ifIdo not beat as 3rd" andtheaspect ofthemother

・「他人の牛が逃げ回るのは見ものだ。」 →「人の牛を抱えて走るのは見もの」隣の二歳馬と他村の火事はおもしろい・「他人の家の火事見物をしない君子はいない。」 →「他の家の火事見物をしない君子はいない」火事と喧嘩はわが身にかからねば面白い・「弟の死は肥やし。」孔泰の辞典には載ってない。 → *Ifafire andthequarrel thattheman of virtue is not that do not visitthefire ofthehouse ofthe."→" et al. wheretheman of virtue is not whichafire of thes of interesting ・" another person does not visit do not suffer from our body, a"sight next juvenile andthefire oftheanother village fertilizethedeath of interesting ・" younger brother,and it does not appear inadictionary of 孔泰 seeacow of another person runs around,and holdthecow oftheものだ ."→" person,and to run".

・「梨の腐ったのは娘にやり、栗の腐ったのは嫁にやる。」 →そのまま夏の火は嫁に炊かせろ、冬の火は娘に炊かせろ我が子は豆の上に遊ばせろ、継子は蕎麦の上に遊ばせろ・「母親を売って友達を買う。」 →「母親売って同僚買う」母はもちろん大事だが、友達を作ることはもっと大事千の倉より友は宝 → * "Giving thatthepear rotted toadaughter,and lettingabride cookthe."→ just summer fire which it marries off thatthechestnut was corrupt,and lettingadaughter cookthewinter fire,and our child letting play onabean,and being important not to mention mother who ."→" mother whothestepchild let play on soba,and sell ・" mother,and buysafriend sells,and buysaco-worker",but makingafriend more fromastorehouse of serious matter 1,000thefriend is treasure

得難きは時、会い難きは友 → Theadvantageous difficulty encounters at time; thedifficulty isafriend

・「営門で頬を打たれ、家に帰って女房を殴る。」 → * "Thecheeks are hit withabarrack gate,and go home,and hitawife"

・「姑への腹立ち紛れに犬の腹をける。」 →「姑が憎くて犬の横腹を蹴飛ばす」やつ当たりする様 → *Per guy who "."→"姑kickingthestomach ofthedog in a fit of anger toamother-in-law is witty,and kickstheflank ofthedog" to do it

相撲に負けて妻の面張る → Ilose sumo and putthemask of wife

・「人が自分にそむくなら、むしろ自分が先にそむいてやる。」→「人が自分を見捨てるなら寧ろ自分から先に人を見捨てよ」捨てられる前に捨てろ → *Throw it away before "rather get rid ofaperson from oneself earlier ifaperson betrays oneself if ratheraperson from ."→" where oneself betrays earlier gets rid of oneself" and is thrown away

・「家と女房は手入れ次第。」 →「家と妻女は整え方しだい」相撲も立ち方 → *As for as soon as"ahouse andthewife care for it person of ."→" and wife, thesumo isadancer on how to fix"

瓦も磨けば玉となる → It becomestheball ifIpolishthetile

・「野生のまくわ瓜は、最初に独り占めした物が持ち主だ。」 → * "Thething thatthewild melon monopolized it first isanowner"

・「らい病患者の鼻の穴に差し込まれたにんにくの種もほじくって食べる。」 → * "Pickthekind of garlic inserted inthehole ofthenose oftheleprosy patient,and eat"

・「一緒に井戸を掘り、一人で飲む。」 →「一緒に井戸掘って独りで飲む」独り占めにするの喩え → * Anexample of"awell sinker is alone,and drink ."→" to digthewell together,and to swallow up alone together",monopolizing it

獅子の分け前 → Lion's share

・「自分の食えない飯なら灰でも入れてやる。」→「自分で食うには嫌でも人にやるのは惜しい」けちの喩え → * Theexample ofthestingy person that it "is precious to do toaperson forcedly to eat one's meal not to be able to eat by ."→" oneself putting even ash"

犬にも食わせず棚にも置かず・「川に落ちた犬は、棒で叩け。」 → Swatthedog which fell intothe・" river withastick without putting it ontheshelf without feedingadog

「犬の喧嘩に水をかける」何かしたら余計にわずらわしくなる様「蜂の巣に鎌」 → If is anything which "takes Wednesday forthequarrel ofthedog",or do it,to become even more troublesome; "ahive sickle"

「犬の面に水かけ」どんな仕打ちにあっても平気な様子「蛙の面に水」 → For"theaspect ofthedog water"thestate "water off a duck's back" that is okay even if any treatment has it

「犬の態度が悪くて蛸を買う」気に食わないだけの嫌がらせはどっちにも損害を被る「鳩を憎みて豆を憎まず」 → Theharassment that only do not like that"themanner ofthedog is bad and buysanoctopus" for suffers damage in neither;without "憎 watchingadove,and hating beans"

「水に溺れるものを救い上げたら網巾代をねだる」苦しいときに恩を受けても楽になれば忘れてしまう「病治りて医師忘る」 → "病治 りて 医師忘 る" whichIforget even ifIreceive favor whenIam hard if it becomes comfortable which "asks for net breadth ifIrescueathing indulging in water"

・「泣く子は餅を一つ余計もらえる。」→「泣く子にお乳を飲ます」泣く子に乳 → *Is milk foracrying child "lettingthechild whom ."→" wherethecrying child gets one rice cake even more grieves at drink milk"

・「死んだ息子のちんこに触ってみる。(死んだ子の年勘定)」→「死んだ子の年数え」・「いとこが田畑を買えば腹が痛い。」→「従兄弟が土地を買えば腹の虫が治まらぬ」「隣の貧乏は鴨の味がする」「隣そねみ」「人の誤り我が幸せ」 → * The"neighbor jealousy" "error our happiness that"thenext poverty tastes oftheduck" that "anger is not relieved if ."→" cousin having a stomach ache buys land ifthedead son のちんこに most moving passage looks,and count it intheyear ofthe"→" dead child,and "・" cousin buysthefields" oftheperson"

・「死ぬ女が陰部を隠すものか。」→「死ぬあまっこが尻隠すかね」浮気ばかりしていた尻の軽い女は男癖がいつまでも治らない。 → * "Adying woman does not coverthepubic region,and coverthe."→" death ぬあまっこが buttocks,serve",and,as forthelight woman ofthebuttocks which did onlyaflirtation, aman habit is not cured forever.

急場にでくわした人が、礼儀とか恥を考えて行動できるはずがなく、ついいつもの癖がでてしまうこと。「噛む馬はしまいまで噛む」「漆は剥げても生地は剥げぬ」・「娘は盗人だ。」→「娘は散炙(さんしゃ)泥棒」娘は育てて嫁に出すまで大変な費用がいるばかりでなくお嫁にいったあとも時折帰ってきてお金がかかる「娘の子は強盗八人」「娘一人に蔵あけた」「娘出世に親貧乏」・「ただの物は苦くても甘い。」→「ただもらいは苦くても甘い」「戴くものは夏も小袖」「もらうものは夏もぼた餅」・「銭は汚く儲けても、きれいに使えばよい。」→「金は汚く儲けてきれいにつかってよし」いかに卑しい仕事して稼いだ金だとしても、値打ちのある使い方をせよ「汚く稼いできれいに使う」 → Aperson from にでくわした thinks about courtesy or shame inanemergency,and cannot act,and it "bites it thatajust usual habit appears untilthehorse to bite will not do it";is serious until"theburglarだ."→" daughter brings upthe散炙(さんしゃ)thief daughter,andthe"・" daughter who does not come off startsthecloth to
abride even ifthelacquer comes off";not onlyanexpense is,but also occasionally come back tothebride after it was said,and money suffers;even if "eight robbery "."→" ただもらいは which is sweet even ifthepro-poverty "・" mere thing is bitter for daughter success in life which "openedastorehouse to daughter nobody" is bitter, achild ofthedaughters" is sweet";even if"therice cake covered with bean jam "・" money is dirty in the summer,and"thething to have gainsthething to take ofapadded silk garment in the summer", themoney of ."→" which should use neatly is dirty,and gain,and use it neatly,and quit it",and do worthwhile how to use,and"is dirty,and make money,and use it neatly" even if isthemoney which work,and made money vulgar how

・「ひとつ釜の飯を食べて訴訟を起こす。」→「同じ仏塔に居て俺の祠堂だ君の祠堂だと言うのか」ひとつの屋根の下でお互いに言い合いするのか。 → *Exchange opinions each other under one roof,and do do whether"is inthe."→" same pagoda which eatthemeal oftheone pot,and files a suit,and say that isamortuary chapel of my mortuary chapelだ?"

「蝸牛の角の争い」「蝸角の争い」・「倒れない木はない(あきらめずにくどけば、落とせない女はいない)」→「倒れかかった木は押し倒す」形勢を余計に悪くさせる意、そのままの意味の表現はみつからず。「下り坂に腰を押す」 → "Thefight ofthehorn ofthesnail""thetree which does not fall down does not have fight "・" of 蝸角"(if urge it without giving it up, "ease,and will to let worsenasituation to push down as forthetree which )"→" where there is notthewoman not to be able to fail fell against even more, theexpression ofthesame meaning pushthewaist" without being found)

・「二人で食事をしていて、片方が死んでも気が付かない。(すごく美味しい)」→「二人で食っているうち一人が死んでも気付かぬ」「舌が抜ける」 → * "Eat in two people,and do not notice even if one dies".

・「女の話は良く聞いても破産し、聞かなくても恥をかく。」→「女の言い分をよく聞いても家を潰し、聞かなくても恥をかく」女は三界に家なく無分別でつまらぬ話をしゃべりたがるので、ねじけた悪い話はどんな女の話でも相手にしないほうがいい。「女の言聞くべからず」「家の乱れは女から」・「お嫁をもらいにゆく奴が金玉を置き忘れてゆく」これから大事なことをしようとする人が、その仕事のもっとも大事なことを度外視してとりかかる「歌物語の歌忘れ」 → * "Thesong lapse of memory ofthecollection of short tales" thattheperson who is going to do that is important from now on that"theguy who goes to take "・" bride fromthewoman leave balls forthedisorder ofthehouse" disregardsthemost important thing ofthework as forthewoman who "disgraces herself even if go bankrupt even if hear stories ofthewomen well,and smashahouse even if is good,and hearthesay ofthe."→" woman who disgraces herself even if do not hear it,and do not hear it" because want to speakthestory thattheall parts of the world are
not clogged up with with carelessness withoutahouse withoutthebad story not having anything to do with eventhestory of what kind of woman,and"putting 言聞 ofthewoman,and cutting"ascrew figure and starts

・「養女を嫁にすること」 → * "Makinganadopted daughterabride"

簡単に物事を達成する様 → Iseem to easily achieve things

「いい鴨」「教え婿」 → "Good mark" "teaching bridegroom"

・「山羊の下痢便垂らし見たかね」山羊は絶対に下痢便を垂らさないことから、絶対にありえないことを強調するときに使う「舎利舎利仏になるとでも」 → *Because"hang downtheloose bowels ofthegoat,and looked,serve",andthegoat never drips loose bowels,use it when emphasizeanabsolute thing;when "it is to Buddha's bones Buddha's bones Buddha,but"

・「僕もドンドコドンのドン君もドンドコドンのドン」お互いに意気揚揚としている様・「ひん曲がったおチンチン自分の足の甲に放尿する」人の被る罪や災難は結局自分自身に原因がある。自業自得であること。 → *As for "I Don you oftheDon anywhere Donacrime andthemisfortune thattheDon person who urinates totheinstep of ・" ひん willie oneself bent to be triumphant each other oftheDon where Don" puts on being due to oneself after all,and it being the natural consequences.

・「肛門の穴で南瓜の種を砕く」ちょっと見たところ無邪気に映るけれどもやり方が巧妙な上にずうずうしくて手に負えない人のこと。「煮ても焼いても食えぬ」 → * "Shattertheseed ofthepumpkin withananal loss";istheperson whoaway is skillful,and is impudent,and is unable to manage,and"cannot eat it at first glance though look it to you innocently even if bake it even if boil it"

・「尻穴が裂けるほど貧しい」苦労の連続でつらい日々を送っていることのたとえ。・処女の金玉 → ・「尻穴が裂けるほど貧しい」苦労の連続でつらい日々を送っていることのたとえ。 ・処女の金玉

絶対にありえないことの喩え「男が子を産む」 → "Aman hasachild"theexample oftheabsolute thing

・「勉強しろと言ったら犬狩りを習った」しっかり勉強して将来は立派な人になってくれと言い聞かせたら思いがけない他のことばかり習っている。他に気をとられて本来の務めをおろそかにすること。「勉強しろと言ったら犬狩りを習った」 → *When"said that studied,learned dog hunting";if studied well,and would persuadeanexcellent person in the future when it was,learned only unexpected other things,and was preoccupied with it elsewhere,and neglected original duty,and"learned dog hunting when said that studied"

「犬」や「糞」を使った句が多い。 → There are many phrases using"adog" and "feces".

犬ってのは犬畜生みたいな卑しむべき存在として使われている。 → It is used as contemptible existence such asthedog ってのは brute.

辞典によると犬の好物は糞ということらしくセットで使われることが多い人間関係を表したことわざも日本みたいに比喩にすることなく直接的な言い回しが多い。 → There are many expressions thatafavorite ofthedogs isaset likethething called feces according tothedictionary,and are direct without doingtheproverb that expressedthehuman relations that are often used forametaphor like Japan.

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