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えげつないの同義語 - 類語辞典(シソーラス)
えげつない → Vulgar
(意義素-類語) → (semanteme-synonym)
攻撃的あるいは、さらに(人の)悪意のある 嫌らしい・汚い・意地悪・意地悪い・厭らしい・いやらしい・穢い・悪性・非道い・厭わしい・ 厭 ・穢ない・汚ない・ 嫌 → (theperson)aggressive or more malicious;is disgusting,and is dirty,andanasty person is ill-natured,and is disgusting,and is disgusting,and is dirty,and heartlessness is,andamalignancy is disgusting,and there is not unpleasant impurity,and is dirty;unpleasant
目だって、無味乾燥に下品な 卑陋・賎げ・嫌らしい・鄙陋・粗陋・汚い・鄙劣・端たない・俚俗・ぼうぞく・厭らしい・いやらしい・悪趣味・低俗・粗野・賎しい・賎しげ・野卑・俗っぽい・低級・下品・卑げ・賤しい・端ない・卑しげ・卑俗・麁陋・野鄙・陋劣・淫ら・卑しい・卑劣・俗悪 → Tasteless,vulgar indecency, 賎 げis disgusting,and 鄙陋,粗陋 is dirty,and there are not 鄙劣,odds and ends,and vulgarity,ぼうぞく is disgusting and is disgusting and forces it to bad taste,vulgarity,coarseness, 賎remarkably and seems to do賎and is inferiority,sl.-like,and inferiority,vulgarity, 卑 げis vulgar and is vulgar and seems to be vulgar,and vulgarity,麁陋,meanness,陋劣,unchasteness is vulgar,and snideness is vulgar
不潔な 汚らわしい・むさい・嫌らしい・醜穢・汚い・薄汚ない・穢らわしい・穢い・不潔・ダーティ・薄ぎたない・薄っ汚い・穢わしい・厭やらしい・汚わしい・いぶせい・下劣・穢ない・ダーティー・汚ない・うす汚い・薄汚い → Is dirty;is dirty,and is disgusting,and is dirty,and is lightly dirty,andIam,and impurity and others are dirty dirtiness むさい;thin dirtiness,dirty;thinっis dirty,andIam,andIam,and impurity smoke unpleasant やらしい,impurity,and ぎたない is,and there is notanignobleness,impurity,and dirty is dirty,and is dirty,and is dirty
「えげつない」 → Vulgar"
(意義素-類語) → (semanteme-synonym)
振る舞いや行いが人道的でないさま 非情な・鬼畜な・冷徹な・無情な・えげつない・卑怯極まりない・卑劣極まりない・鬼畜のような・情のない・外道の・人の道を外れた・心無き・鬼畜の・情け容赦なく・非人間的な・残酷な・酷い・非人道的な・惨い・惨たらしい・無慈悲な・陰惨な・人道的でない・非道な・不届きな → Iam cold-hearted and amabrutal person and am cool-headed and am heartless and am vulgar,and cowardice is extreme inthestate that behavior andanact are not humanitarian and is extreme in snideness,and there is notthefeeling likethebrutal person and deviated fromtheway oftheperson of any religion other than Buddhism and is inhuman withouttheforgiving with mercy ofthebrutal person withouttheheart and is cruel and is terrible and is likeaquasi-human way and is cruel and is cruel and is merciless and is dreary and is not like humanity and is unjust and is outrageous
えげつない(形) → Vulgar(form)
(「いげちない」の転) → (change of "いげちない")
度を過ごして露骨に表現する様。 → Ispendadegree and seem to express it frankly.
露骨で,厭らしい。 → It is open and is disgusting.
「えげつない事を言う」 → "I sayavulgar thing"
やり方に思い遣りや人情味が無い。 → Away does not have consideration and human touch.
情け容赦も無い。 → Something is pitiless.
「商売のやり方がえげつない」(元、関西方言。 → "Away ofthebusiness is vulgar"(thecause,Kansai dialect.)
昭和期に入り,次第に一般に用いられる様になった〕「派生」 → The]" derivation thatIenteredtheShowa period,and came to be gradually used generally
えげつなさ(名) → Vulgarity(thename)
「えげつない」に似た言葉。 → Thewords that "vulgar"にresembled.
嫌らしい、汚い、意地悪、意地悪い、厭らしい。 → Adisgusting dirty nasty person is ill-natured;is disgusting.
「えげつない」 → Vulgar"
京言葉。 → Kyoto dialect.
人情味に欠ける様。 → It seems to be lacking in human touch.
「辛らつな」等の意。 → "Biting" equalのwill.
「えぐい」から転じたもの。 → Iturned from "えぐい(エログロイ)".