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六道輪廻 Transmigration in 6worlds



六道輪廻 → Transmigration in the six worlds


六道輪廻 → Transmigration in the six worlds

六趣ろくどうりんね → It is six attraction phosphorus which how about to register

行いに拠って、どの世界に生まれ変わるか、という考え方です。 → Ground isaway of thinking which world is rebeared in to perform it.

行いに拠って、趣き住む所なので六趣ろくしゅとも言います。 → Because it isaplace that ground takes a turn foranact and lives in,six attraction 「Rokusyu」 says.

四生 → Four kinds of mode of birth

生まれ方の違いによる四つの分類。 → Four classifications bythedifference in birth.

胎生-たいしょう → Viviparous-Taisyou

母親の胎内から生まれるもの。 → Born fromtheinterior of the womb of mother.

卵生-らんしょう → Oviparous-Ransyou

卵から生まれるもの。 → Born fromanegg.

湿生-しっしょう → Hygrophyte-Sissyou

湿気のある所から生まれる虫等。 → Theinsects which are born fromthedamp place.

化生-けしょう → Apparition-Kesyou

何も無い所から忽然と生まれるもの。 → Born suddenly fromtheplace having nothing.

六つの世界 → Six world

三善道・三善趣天 → Three path of righteousness,three posthumous life for a good person the sky.

人間の世界より苦が少なく楽の多い世界。 → Theworld where there is less pain thanthehuman world,and there is much comfort.

人 → Person

生病老死の四苦八苦がある世界。 → Theworld with scathing trials ofthestraight illness old age and death.

修羅 → Asura

独善的な世界。 → Theself-righteous world.

怒りに我を忘れ戦いを繰り返す世界。 → Theworld that repeatsafight madly to be angry.

欲望を抑える事が出来ない世界。 → Theworld that cannot hold greed in check.

三悪道・三悪趣畜生 → Three Infernal Regions,three evils worlds beast

弱肉強食が繰り返され、互いに殺傷しあう世界。 → Theworld thatthesurvival of the fittest is repeated and kills and wounds each other.

人を蹴落としてでも、自分だけ抜け出そうとする世界。 → Theworld that defeataperson,and only oneself is going to get away from.

餓鬼 → Kid

嫉妬深さ、物惜しみ、欲望の塊の世界。 → Jealousy depth,stinginess, theworld ofthelump ofthegreed.

この世界から抜け出るため、更に無理を重ねる世界。 → Theworld that repeats unreasonableness more to get away from this world.

地獄 → Hell

様々な苦しみを受ける世界。 → Theworld that receives various pains.

六つの内、最も苦しみの多い世界。 → Theworld in six with many pains.

六道は住む世界とは生存状態を示すもので、どの様に生まれるかを表す四生(ししょう)との組み合わせで、輪廻転生(りんねてんしょう)する事になります。 → In combination with four kinds of mode of birth(Ido it and occur)to express howthesix kinds of the worlds to come for the people is born withthething indicatingthesurvival state withtheworld to live in, Iwill do transmigration(Rinnetensyou).

輪廻とは車輪の回転の様に、無限に生死をくり返す事です。 → Samsara is to repeat life and death liketheturn ofthewheel endlessly.

輪回とも書きます。 → Write it asthehoop trundling.

六道輪廻や六道四生と言います。 → It is called transmigration in the six worlds and six kinds of the worlds to come for the people four kinds of mode of birth.

六道輪廻は、元々インドにあった世界観で、インドでは修羅を地獄に含め、五道とする場合もあります。 → Originally,foraview of the world in accord with India,include Asura in Hell in India and may dothetransmigration in the six worlds with five worlds where people go according to their karma.

六つの世界で活躍する仏様 → Dear Ms. Buddha playing an active part in six world:

各世界で苦しむ人達を救うため、観音様とお地蔵様は六観音、六地蔵として特別に配当されています。 → Kannon and guardian deity of children are allotted in particular as Six Kannon Bodhisattvas,Rokujizo to save people suffering in each world.

また、お地蔵様は六道能化(ろくどうのうけ)と呼ばれ特に有名で、簡素な姿で錫杖を持つ姿は、休む暇もなく六道を巡る事を表しています。 → In addition, theguardian deity of children state is called six kinds of the worlds to come for the people Buddhist clergyman(Rokudounouke)and it is particularly famous and expressesathing aroundthesix kinds of the worlds to come for the people without time absent fromthefigure havingapriest's staff withaplain figure.

六道の図式 → Diagram ofthesix kinds of the worlds to come for the people

六道絵(六道輪廻図)の原形はインドです。 → Theoriginal form ofthepicture of the six worlds(figure of transmigration in the six worlds)is India.

各世界をリアルに描いたものから、サッパリしたものまで色々あります。 → There is it fromthething which drew each world on realistically toafrank thing in various ways.

基本事項を網羅してサッパリ系で描いてみたのが左の図です。 → It istheleft figure cover all basic matters,and to have described inasystem without any regret.

輪廻転生ですから、円形が基本です。 → Because it is transmigration, acircle is basic.

円盤を持っているのは死の神であり忿怒尊であり羅刹です。 → It is God ofthedeath to haveadisk and is 忿怒尊 and is fiends and cannibals.

中心は輪廻する原因の無知・憎しみ・貪欲の三毒です。 → Thecenter is three poison of ignorance,hatred, thegreed ofthecause to transmigrate.

その外側に六つの世界があり、外周は苦しみから抜けるための十二因縁が描かれます。 → There is six world intheoutside,and 12 fate to leave pains is described inthecircumference.

ここでは12個の楕円で表現しています。 → Express it with 12 ovals here.

六つの世界は上下二段に分かれ対照的に描かれます。 → Divided into two steps of top and bottom,and six world is drawn in contrast.

リアルな絵の場合は、どの様な状態であろうと、仏様が救って下さる様子が描かれます。 → In the case ofareal picture, thestate that Buddha saves is drawn to be in what kind of state.

輪廻から抜け出すには三毒の心を捨てなければならない事を表しています → Express that you must abandonaheart of three poison to steal out of samsara.

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