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「風雲」に関連した英語例文の一覧 - Weblio英語例文検索

風雲急を告げるとは何か-日本語を味わう辞典 → Thedictionary which tastes some-Japanese to tell wind and cloud immediateを


風雲急を告げる(ふううんきゅうをつげる) → Itell wind and cloud immediateを (ふううんきゅうをつげる)

風雲急を告げるの「風雲」は「風」と「雲」だが、情勢や政情を意味する慣用語としても用いられる。 → "Thewind and cloud" of telling it "is "wind" andacloud ," but is used wind and cloud immediateをasanidiom to meanthesituation andthepolitical situation.

「風雲急を告げる」は、中国語「風雲告急」の読み下しかと思われるが、情勢や政情が不穏でいまにも大変革や大事件が起きそうな気配であるという意味で、「風雲急」とも略される。 → It is thought whether it isは"telling wind and cloud immediate を",reading through of Chinese "風雲告急",butthesituation andthepolitical situation are threatening,and revolution andagreat event are abbreviated inameaning to bethesign that seems to get up at any moment when "wind and cloud is sudden".

「風雲急を告げる」は、嵐が近づいている戦争や革命前夜の雲行きを連想させるが、ニュアンスとしてはそのような変革をわくわくして待ち望んでいる(台風が近づくと狂騒状態になるバカな子どものように)気分が含まれている。 → Isuggestthesky on war andtherevolution previous night whenは, astorm "to tell wind and cloud immediate を" get closer to,butthefeeling thatIam excited,and looks forward to suchachange foranuance(likethestupid child who becomesthefrenzied uproar state whenatyphoon approaches)is included.

というのは、この「風雲」は、ただの「風」と「雲」ではなく、風と雲が沸き立つことにより龍がそれに乗って昇天するという舞台装置なのであって、龍が登場すれば竹藪からライバルの虎が現れて対峙するというシナリオが展開する。 → Because this "wind and cloud" "is not just "wind" and cloud",andadragon isaset to die on it by wind andacloud being in an uproar,andascenario thatthetiger oftherival appears fromtheclump of bamboo ifadragon appears and confronts it develops it.

したがって「風雲急を告げる」はいまにも龍虎のようなヒーローが現れて互いに競い合い、人々をよい方向に導いてくれるという、アニメの中で展開されるような「正義の戦い」が始まるとか、当方にはなんの利害もない、高みの見物にふさわしい政争が始まる、といった期待を抱かせる情勢のことをいうのである。 → Therefore, "afight ofthejustice" developed inananimated cartoon thatthehero such as dragon and tiger "telling wind and cloud immediate " appears and competes each other,and to lead people tothegood direction begins,or political dispute appropriate for watching as a mere spectator that there is not saysthesituation to let you hold expectation to begin to what interest in us.


医学を志して漢方医土岐長元の門を叩くが飽き足らず、江戸幕府の江戸医学館で蘭方医桂川甫周(4代目)、芝蘭堂四天王筆頭宇田川玄真の私塾・風雲堂で蘭学を学ぶ。 → Want to be medicine and come to study under herb doctor Toki Chogen,but learn Dutch learning with Edo medicine building oftheEdo Shogunate in specialist in Dutch medical and pharmaceutical method Hoshu Katsuragawa(thefourth generation), aprivate school, awind and cloud temple of king fragrant grass temple Four Devas first on the list Genshin Udagawa without being satisfied.

Because he was not satisfied only by becoming the disciple of Chogen TOKI, Chinese medicine doctor to study medical science,he learned Western studies by Hoshu KATSURAGAWA (the fourth), Ranpoi in Edo-Igakukan (medical school) of the Edo bakufu(Japanese feudal government headed byashogun) and in Fuundo, the private school of Genshin UDAGAWA who was the head of the big four of Shiran-do.)

-Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス → Wikipedia Japan and Britain Kyoto connection document bilingual corpus

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